
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spinner Tutorial

This Post is a Tutorial, teaching you to create a simple spinner on Scratch. This could be imported into another game for a random choice or something like that.
Spinner Script

The image to the left shows the script for the arrow of the spinner that I have made, showing the Broadcast signals to tell the result sprite which colour to change to.

Result Script

Here you can see the script that sets the screen to a specific colour depending on where the spinner ends up.

First Post

Hi guys, 
Welcome to my new Blog, Scratch Tutorials by Brian.
To start off with, I am going to get you thinking about what sort of things you can make with scratch. 

A lot of my projects on scratch come from ideas other people have put on the Internet, which I have used to create my own projects. So, here is a list of ideas that you can start on, and share them with me, via email or on the comments at the bottom of this page.

Car race game
Cipher encrypter
Ping Pong game (1 or 2 players)
Career game
Tank/Soldier/Helicopter Simulation

If you have any other ideas, comment at the bottom of the page.

    Brian Karl